
The top 11 ridiculous advertising job titles

  1. Interactive Evangelist: Despite what you may think, this isn’t the word of God you’re preaching.
  2. Social Media Ninja: If we can see you, you must be a pretty terrible ninja.
  3. Innovator-at-Large: Overcompensating for something, buddy?
  4. Chief Creative Insurgent: Marketing ain’t the armed forces, chief.
  5. Brand Champion: You know you have to win something to call yourself a “champion,” right?
  6. Chief Blogging Officer: Odd, since you probably report to a “Junior Copywriter.”
  7. Global Chief Growth Officer: A long-winded title and a six-figure paycheck does not an actual job make.
  8. Brand Strategy Guru: We can picture you now – sitting in a lotus position and doling out insights that barely make sense.
  9. Director of Emerging Media: Why not “Media Midwife?”
  10. Web Alchemist: No matter how hard you try, pixels and HTML aren’t going to turn into gold.

Vía: PlanB

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